
Robert Downey Jr.

so the Sherlock Holmes : A Game of Shadows came out recently and was super excited. i've seen it 3 times.
i saw the first one around this time of year about 4 times in theaters, although the first time i didn't know what i was getting myself into.

they're both hot messes of a movie (which is a good thing)

the acting is brilliant and the plot is too, i think that these are going to be instant classics when i'm age 50.
another thing that i find fascinating about it is the score - Hans Zimmer out does himself brilliantly for these two films. the score is quirky and original and i've never heard anything like it before now. i think that without the music it might not really be my thing.

but what makes a movie is the actors, hence the title Robert Downey Jr. (you'll get to see plenty of him in a few more sentences) but Jude Law is amazing too. i first got to see Robert Downey Jr. in the Iron Man films which were great, but i felt that his acting was a little forced, especially in the second film. but i was really surprised in Sherlock Holmes. he was able to be witty and serious but equally endearing when necessary. i laughed much more than i expected too, which doesn't happen very often. Jude Law was exceptional as Dr. Wattson though. i feel like they could not have casted this film any better.

along with their co-stars, Rachel McAdams, Mark Strong, Kelly Reily(idk how to spell her last name) the atmosphere and the chemistry of this movie is amazing. while the second one is a little darker and not as quirky the quality of it was still amazing. so now i will bombard you with some pictures of my favorites from this movie

there we are. have fun with those! i feel like this is my favorite movie of all time. both of them. i hope, if there is a third one, Guy Ritchie(director) will be able to pull it off as well as he did these two.


basically the worst day of my life.

and i can't do anything about it.

i need to get out of this town.

thankfully i'll be going to chicago tomorrow.

i just need to graduate really.

this all just needs to be over.

i really didn't mean to make this into a poem type thing.



i feel so incredibly gross with myself

it's not even funny. school is dumb. i should try harder but i don't really have any motivation to do so. none of it appeals to me. none of it is worth anything. people keep telling me i have to get my grades up, but honestly i think i'm doing alright. and even if i didn't i wouldn't care. at all.

and also i'm going to be like, the only senior in my grade who has to take my finals which is another blow to my already nonexistent self-esteem.

i hate being friends with smart people.
they make me feel like a terrible person.

today someone got a detention for saying 'jesus christ' in class. i think that violates some kind of free speech law. also i'm atheist (not to offend anyone, it just doesn't work like that) so it made me laugh even harder about it because i say that all the time. and i've never gotten a detention.

also i got into a mini car-wreck this morning which was absolutely the most terrifying experience ever.
jesus christ i almost died (give me a detention for THAT.) it was so scary i don't even.

my computer apps teacher is obsessed with the yearly christmas choir concert. which is tomorrow.
my old history teacher is concerned with my health because i had a cold, and he can 'show me some moves with that paddle.'
my little boy p.e. teacher is my neighbor and i have to constantly watch my window while i get dressed.

this world is so screwed up it's funny.