
the features

so there's this amazing band called the features, but i'm slightly disappointed in them.

the reason being is that they're in the BREAKING DAWN soundtrack. i don't think i can forgive them, even if they are one of the more amazing bands in the world. it's just really... they could have done way better then themselves. and also the twilight franchise has gone downhill since the beginning and if they do hit major stardom i will be happy that i'll be able to say that i knew of them months/years before the soundtrack came out. and people can suck it that they're die hard fans. because they will only know one song.

it's the same for panic! at the disco, and paramore. people only know the most boring songs they put out and they call themselves 'die hard' fans. i'm sure if they went to a concert, they wouldn't even know the lyrics to the song.

so that's all for now.

Twilight can go do something like burn.



sorry for the language but i'm really a dump lately.

my friends are all obnoxious (the ones i go to school with)

i'm getting lectured all the time.

i'm doing pretty terribly in school.

i can't seem to do anything quite right.

ok i have to rant about my friends for a few minutes. so basically, they're all lazy, and bitchy, and don't particularly care about anyone but themselves. thankfully it's no one who reads this blog, so don't be offended please. i really can't wait to graduate in may and make better friends who actually care about stuff in life. and me. i REALLY want to meet someone who actually thinks to invite me to places without having to make a whole big shithole about it. oh plus the fact that they actually have a fucking FAMILY and that they can do everything virtually better then me makes me extremely disgusted that they have anything to really complain about. so i hate them all. not you. them. sorry for the profanity. but fuck them.

i'll probably go cry for awhile now.


mark foster

will you just marry me?

and also, i think i'm going to make a new blog sometime in the future. it just needs to happen. this one is a little dumpy.


i'm pretty proud of myself that i can pee virtually anywhere. i scoff at those who have to have so-called 'indoor plumbing.' today i peed in the woods. it was nice. it's pretty clean out there. cleaner then most public restrooms anyways.

also today is a really good day for music. i got like 10 new cd's for under 30$. one of them being Foster the People. they're so good. i think i'm entering a new phase in my life... 

also this past friday i went to see the Horrors in st. louis. they're okay. i liked the warmup band better, which is a pretty new band. they're called the Stepkids. it was awesome funk-rock type music. they're first cd comes out tuesday. i'm definitely buying it. the guitarist played with his mouth at one point. 



the horrors

so i'm going to see this band on friday after school. they're okay. my friend sophia's really whose obsessed with them, and i'm always up for a good concert. 


Geoffrey Ologna Mologna

so i guess my new name is Geoffrey Ologna Mologna; according to my friend Meredith's brother, Bryce and his friend Cordell. and i'm still a fetus. so that means i dont have to work technically.

and that's how you know i live in macomb. :/



so yesterday was probably the most amazing day i've ever had. like fer serious. and i dont say that very often. it was just so... good.

i guess i did kind of bomb my tests but whatever. i GET TO GO TO DICK BLICK TODAY /diesofhappiness.

i should probably get back to why yesterday was so amazing... so first of all, i went out to lunch, and drove to school, so first thing that morning i knew it was going to be a good day (i never get to drive to school by myself). and then the day kind of went by really fast/slow. if that even makes sense? but after school i gave a ride to TWO BOYS AT ONCE. I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELF. it actually was a very random happening. they needed a ride to soccer practice. but i thank my friend nao fujiwara for luring them in. i dont think it woulda happened if she wasn't there. and it was good because my friend sophia.. well one of them was the kid she likes. and i never have ANY contact with him (which is a good thing for me). but she was happy i think. even though after he left she was like, 'fuck, oh fuck.' and one of the kids name kamran was yelling the WHOLE FRIKIN TIME. LIKE REALLY? i was already terrified of having like 3 people with me. i had 5 people in my car. which is a prius. seriously?! i thought i was going to die.

and then we had some asian food and had one of the janitors from our school was with a bunch of his lke, old people friends. one of them was pointing at us... it was weird. and then he fake stole our money which was weird. (this blog is so fucking long i'm extremely sorry). but anyways. and then we went to dollar tree/general and my friend annika was being so random and awkward.

'WE ALL WANT THIS, BUT WE CAN'T HAVE IT.' ohmygosh. i love her so much. this was about a kids bouncy ball. like fer real?

and then some other stuff happened but i can't really remember. but... if i do it'll be in another post. xD



art supplies

OMG MY COPICS CAME TODAY : D i'm so so so so so so so so so so soo excited. they're all so pretty T^T they make me wanna cry from happiness. well that's all. besides the fact that you need to GO OUT AND BUY SOME COPICS RIGHT NOW. DO IT.








so this isn't their actually miku/kaito voices but i love the nico nico choir so much (they do covers of all the vocaloid songs) and this song is SUCH AN EARGASM. OMYGOSH. well... have a listen.. ; D



this band is sososososososososososososobeautiful. i'm not even kidding their voices are stunning and you can tell they're not lipsynching. i swear it's the prettiest music i've ever heard in my live. omigosh.

you will not ever get tired of listening to this. and while you're at it, watch puella magi madoka magica. it's pretty much the best anime ever created. besides pandora hearts, but that's for another post.



NEW VOCALOID ALERT : D (if you don't know what they are, go to wikipedia and then youtube to see what they're all about) just this week, i learned about a new vocaloid that's been released. she's korean and her voice bank sounds so real. i already love the demo song she's put out. her name is SeeU hence the title.. but she's sooo adorable. and i really lover her colors too. i feel like she's a modified version of miku somehow... idk i just like her better. but Luka Megurine will always be my favorite :3 i will now post the video of her demo song, if blogger decides to be nice to me.

I FOUND IT. I LOVE BLOGGER SO MUCH. anyways listen to this baby as much as you want. it's addicting i tell you.


blood pressures.

so this is quite possibly the best cd that's ever existed. i'm serious. i love these two to death. i would marry both Alison Mosshart and Jamie Hince if it was possible. they're just both so amazing. here is the cd from beginning to end. go to youtube and look these songs up. or maybe, i'll just put them here. i forgot that was even possible. how dumb.

okay so
youtube is being obnoxious and not being able to locate anymore of the songs i want but just buy the album. i promise you you will not AT ALL be disappointed. i'm wasting my life on my computer. i should probably go do something useful. but i probably won't.


my last post, was a little uncalled for. sorry about that everyone. i was just having a shitty time earlier this week. i couldnt stop crying and it was gross and i was miserable. now i have a three day weekend but i still have to write a paper about myself (gross) and read 1984 by george orwell, which is actually a fairly fascinating book. i'm already ahead of where i'm supposed to be, so i should slow down, so i know what i'm talking about on the quizzes. i'm still waiting fir my damn copics.. i hope they get here tomorrow.