

well i don't have much to say right now. i suppose i'll just rant about stuff for now. i mean... that's what blogs are for i guess, right??? well whatever. it's not like you shits are here to JUDGE me or anything. okay good. well let's go then.

so today i've had like soooo much food. okay maybe not that much, just pizza and nachos and pixie sticks.  but i feel like i'm going to explode. i suppose that pizza does to you. i probably should go on a diet or something in the near future but... well... it just doesn't seem possible. i mean how can people live for up to MONTHS without things like bread, sugar, salt, fat, etc.... it's just impossible for me. all of those things are like my illegal drugs. i wouldn't be surprised if i ended up like my history teacher when i'm an adult... shudder. god. i can't wait to be an adult. plus i don't want to grow up. is that contradicting or what? i mean adults have to go through a shit load of stuff day in day out. although my childhood was hell too... my life is pretty much a dump except for the things that keep me sane. like blogging. idk how i've lived without blogging until now. KUDOS to blogging.

let's go back to ranting. plus i'm also starting to feel like i will NEVER have a relationship or something... i mean... that's the whole thing i ranted about before. i wonder if brown cows are uglier than others. idk. i've never really been around cows much. when i am i'm eating them... or something... yeah. ummmmm. i just lovce meat. except i could NEVER kill my own for food. i'd probably pay someone to do it for me. which is what i do most of the time already anyways....

well today i watched this movie called 'road home' or something. and this girl was in total stalker mode. i guess she was in love with him but still... i mean.... she went all out. it was really hilarious to watch actually. but other than that it was pretty touching. i mean i don't normally like american love stories but it was cute and bearable. so i guess that's all until a little later tonight. au revoir

1 comment:

  1. You can be an adult without "growing up" ya know. Usually those kinds of people are pretty annoying though. Haha
