
Robert Downey Jr.

so the Sherlock Holmes : A Game of Shadows came out recently and was super excited. i've seen it 3 times.
i saw the first one around this time of year about 4 times in theaters, although the first time i didn't know what i was getting myself into.

they're both hot messes of a movie (which is a good thing)

the acting is brilliant and the plot is too, i think that these are going to be instant classics when i'm age 50.
another thing that i find fascinating about it is the score - Hans Zimmer out does himself brilliantly for these two films. the score is quirky and original and i've never heard anything like it before now. i think that without the music it might not really be my thing.

but what makes a movie is the actors, hence the title Robert Downey Jr. (you'll get to see plenty of him in a few more sentences) but Jude Law is amazing too. i first got to see Robert Downey Jr. in the Iron Man films which were great, but i felt that his acting was a little forced, especially in the second film. but i was really surprised in Sherlock Holmes. he was able to be witty and serious but equally endearing when necessary. i laughed much more than i expected too, which doesn't happen very often. Jude Law was exceptional as Dr. Wattson though. i feel like they could not have casted this film any better.

along with their co-stars, Rachel McAdams, Mark Strong, Kelly Reily(idk how to spell her last name) the atmosphere and the chemistry of this movie is amazing. while the second one is a little darker and not as quirky the quality of it was still amazing. so now i will bombard you with some pictures of my favorites from this movie

there we are. have fun with those! i feel like this is my favorite movie of all time. both of them. i hope, if there is a third one, Guy Ritchie(director) will be able to pull it off as well as he did these two.


basically the worst day of my life.

and i can't do anything about it.

i need to get out of this town.

thankfully i'll be going to chicago tomorrow.

i just need to graduate really.

this all just needs to be over.

i really didn't mean to make this into a poem type thing.



i feel so incredibly gross with myself

it's not even funny. school is dumb. i should try harder but i don't really have any motivation to do so. none of it appeals to me. none of it is worth anything. people keep telling me i have to get my grades up, but honestly i think i'm doing alright. and even if i didn't i wouldn't care. at all.

and also i'm going to be like, the only senior in my grade who has to take my finals which is another blow to my already nonexistent self-esteem.

i hate being friends with smart people.
they make me feel like a terrible person.

today someone got a detention for saying 'jesus christ' in class. i think that violates some kind of free speech law. also i'm atheist (not to offend anyone, it just doesn't work like that) so it made me laugh even harder about it because i say that all the time. and i've never gotten a detention.

also i got into a mini car-wreck this morning which was absolutely the most terrifying experience ever.
jesus christ i almost died (give me a detention for THAT.) it was so scary i don't even.

my computer apps teacher is obsessed with the yearly christmas choir concert. which is tomorrow.
my old history teacher is concerned with my health because i had a cold, and he can 'show me some moves with that paddle.'
my little boy p.e. teacher is my neighbor and i have to constantly watch my window while i get dressed.

this world is so screwed up it's funny.


the princess and the frog.

so i am just remembering how brilliant this movie is, and listening to the soundtrack makes me feel like crying sort of. i don't want to be an adult.

also recently i bought two of the most amazing movies ever created - Bambi and Summer Wars.

go watch both of them -they're so good. i still need to buy the princess and the frog.


home alone.

again. damn. i really need to make some friends or something... ugh. and also my fears i had over the summer are probably pretty much true : i will never get married. yeah i probably never will.

i'm in a weird in between mood, like one minute things will be fine and the next they'll be dumpy. i went to a foot ball game today but i don't have enough self confidence to go over and sit in the student section by myself. i need something. i need to make myself better. i need help.




is it sad, that i haven't been happy in so long, that i'm a little nauseous about it? today was like being sick. it was everywhere at once. oh my god.

and i talked to him about being full with a sandwich and crackers. I'M SO FUCKING DUMB. i'm a writer dammit. jesus. i should be able to think of more interesting things to say to people.


new blog

something to read

i made a new blog, that is going to be mainly about books. i won't allow myself to complain as much unless i dislike a book.. but this is going to be my life blog, and that's going to be my book review blog. if you're interested in what i have to say, then check it out!

the first book i will be reviewing is Markus Zusak's The Book Thief 


they might be giants

i'm pretty pumped. i've been listening to these guys since like... 3rd grade. and i get to go see them. sunday. listen to how beastly they are.

oh another note, i got rejected from rotary, so my self esteem is gone for the night. 
plus my p.e. teacher finally figured out that i live next to him so now i have to make conversation whenever i see him. 

and also i got to talk to my favorite today. just a bit. it was awkward. i think i'll go cry a little now before my halloween party. 



i think that my writing may have actually improved somewhat from this summer.

excerpt of a novel i'm working on.

           " My head was throbbing. I am sweating like a dog, with my sheets sticking to me like plastic wrap. It was that dream again, the one I knew every nook and cranny of. The terrifying thing about it was the fact that it felt more like a memory than just a dream. It was just too real. Usually when I’m awake it’s so fuzzy I can’t make out anything that happened in it, but I think that it goes something like this.

            The rain is relentless. It’s falling like shards of glass from the sky, and it hurts when it makes contact with my skin. There is a park with a single swing that hangs from a gnarled, mental looking tree branch. This swing is old, and arthritic, and you can hear its chain link bones groaning in protest as I swing slowly: back and forth, back and forth. It’s a calming sort of noise, one that’s been with you for an entire lifetime.
            I am humming something – something all too familiar. I cannot remember what its existence means, but it is there, dying in the rain. For a moment, I wonder why there is no other equipment here. Why there is just the swing. But this is a fleeting thought, and my mind is quickly covered in a thick fog, one almost identical to the physical one engulfing me.
            I feel the glass shards piercing my skin through the simple white slip I’m wearing. It’s clinging to my skin as if it were made of cobwebs. But even though I’m wet, it doesn’t bother me, or I just don’t notice it because I’m to wrapped up in the fog. I’m sure that if anyone is watching I’m just a dull shadow.
            And someone is. Someone is watching. It takes me a very long time to realize this. I am more than content enough in my own little messed up brain. Somehow though I am able to see a slight glowing far back in the little wood on the edge of this park. I cannot tear my eyes away from it. I cannot make myself think. The swinging stops. I peer into its messed up branches, trying to get a handle on the red coals that I see far back.
            The ice is still coming down like knives. For the first time I shiver, and start to wonder what I am doing. The red is clearer – little ovals of ruby peering at me. I am instantly aware and panic because I’ve never been in a situation where I was being stalked before. Against my better judgment I peel off of the swing, the one thing I found comforting in this world of ice. I plant my feet firmly in the fog surrounding my legs, and I can only feel for the ground that my feet have made contact with. Even then it feels imaginary.
            I feel like a ghost.
            But I know I am not dead. I know I am breathing, living, beautiful. Something about the red draws me in, and I cannot stop myself. A shadow forms itself more clearly around them, and I do not know if I am mad, or if they are there, because it is a silhouette of a girl. A girl with torn, rough, leathery wings with a million holes in them, and you could see parts of bone sticking out grotesquely. There is a quiet “Shit.” I stifle a gag and move backwards, as she moves deeper into the forest.
            My footing is lost as I move clumsily back towards my swing I abandoned so quickly. The ice has made it slick, and I fall flat on my ass just in front of the swing. I try to clutch at it but it’s so slick that I cannot hold onto it well enough. I am burning now from the cold.
            This is when I hear a screeching that pierces my ears. I can feel them bleeding after I hear it. It’s warm, and wet, and completely sticky. I manage to pick my cobweb dress and myself off the slick ground somehow. It is the most difficult task I have ever put myself through. Slipping on the ground, I use the chain link bones to steady myself. Once I am sure I am completely stable I run. I run as fast as I can and as deep as I can into the screech. It is still holding out, and my ears are bleeding steadily now. But when I cross the forest line, I am awake.

            And I am sweating like a dog, with my sheets sticking to me like plastic wrap. This has been happening for as long as I can remember. I have no memories of before the dream.
Laying here now I can hear the blood rushing in my ears and my sweat reminds me of the ice rain in the dream. I have to wait for a while to be calm enough to take my morning shower.
            It is two in the morning, and I can see the innocence of the stars glaring through the window that takes up most of the wall in front of me. The moon is bright and full, and it hurts my eyes to look at it for long periods of time. Pushing myself up by my elbows I can see that it actually is raining outside and the clouds are moving over the moon and the stars easily. It’s not nearly as bright as I thought it was.
            My ears are ringing from the screech I just heard in my brain. It’s like this every night. I spin around under my covers and plant my feet as firmly as possible on the ground. I don’t like being like this, I don’t like being bent in half. It makes my back hurt like hell and I get disoriented. So I try and straighten up as best I can, lining up the bones in my spine the right way. Or what I think is the right way. Everything hurts still.
            As much as I don’t want to my dream replays until it is not dark anymore. That means I will have this screaming in my ears until the sun comes up. It’s like this every day, and every day it’s equally terrifying. But I don’t scream anymore. I made myself stop because of my guilt when I saw my father’s weary distress every morning. So I stopped.
            I can’t seem to get my head out of the clouds this time. Even though it’s the same, some times are easier to forget it than others. This is not going to be one of those nights.

            The sun is finally coming up, and it’s nice to finally be able to see where I am. Usually when I wake up from that dream I lay down on my back and stare at my bleach white ceiling for the rest of the night, listening to that blood wrecking scream play over and over in my brain. " 

the hunger games

so i read the hunger games last year and it made me cry so much. i have yet to read the rest of the trilogy but today i found a fan's rendition of rue's lullaby which is a fairly big aspect of the book. it was so beautiful.


just a simple equation

reading + music = <3

the features

so last night i had a dream that these guys came to my school, and i was freaking out because i was so excited. no one else seemed to really care though. they were in my auditorium, but for some reason i dont think anyone really knew why they were there and i was trying to get an explanation but no one would help me out. it was one of the happiest dreams i've had for a long time. the features are amazing.

these guys are amazing.



okay, i'm warning you that i'm going to use some maybe provocative language, just because i can, and i'm really pissed right now. actually, i've been really angry for the last week or so.

so i just learned that my friends are shitheads and dont care about anything or anyone but themselves. actually no one does. so sorry for taking your precious time, guys. you probably don't even care about this blog at all.

because no one in the world cares about me.

i'm done now. i'll probably go hit something. preferably my 'friends'. oh and also i'm done being the better person or whatever shit parents tell you to do. because no one cares.


new found glory and friends

so i'm pretty pumped about my music lately. a lot of my favorite bands are coming out with new albums this season, including new found glory. i'm getting slightly reobsessed with them. i saw them live when they opened for paramore, and i absolutely loved their stage presence. their new cd radiosurgery is soo good. (also, paramore is how i discovered the band tegan and sara. i recommend their newest album, sainthood)

also, mutemath, feist, and jack's mannequin came out with new cd's today. so i'm pretty much one of the happiest girls on earth right now, because i was getting extremely bored with the music that i have already.

also though, panic! at the disco has a new song called mercenary. it's amazing. but i CAN'T GET IT BECAUSE ITUNES IS DUMB AND MAKES THE SONG THE ONLY ONE THATS 'ALBUM ONLY.' but other then that, it's a pretty amazing song. i need to play the new batman game now, because that's what it's from. when i write a bestselling book, and it becomes well known and turned into a movie, i think that these are the artists that i want to be included on the soundtrack, and the composers i want.

soundtrack artists :
tegan and sara
foster the people
new found glory
panic! at the disco
the neon trees
the features

-these are pretty much all the people im obsessed with right now.

the best composers ever, are these guys :
Yann Tiersen
Hans Zimmer

and the person i want directing the movie is the person who directed inception. but idk his name. that was the most amazing movie ever. so i think that my book/movie would be the most amazing thing ever.



We Are Young

this song has been going through my head for the past week. 

the video is really creepy tho. 


the features

so there's this amazing band called the features, but i'm slightly disappointed in them.

the reason being is that they're in the BREAKING DAWN soundtrack. i don't think i can forgive them, even if they are one of the more amazing bands in the world. it's just really... they could have done way better then themselves. and also the twilight franchise has gone downhill since the beginning and if they do hit major stardom i will be happy that i'll be able to say that i knew of them months/years before the soundtrack came out. and people can suck it that they're die hard fans. because they will only know one song.

it's the same for panic! at the disco, and paramore. people only know the most boring songs they put out and they call themselves 'die hard' fans. i'm sure if they went to a concert, they wouldn't even know the lyrics to the song.

so that's all for now.

Twilight can go do something like burn.



sorry for the language but i'm really a dump lately.

my friends are all obnoxious (the ones i go to school with)

i'm getting lectured all the time.

i'm doing pretty terribly in school.

i can't seem to do anything quite right.

ok i have to rant about my friends for a few minutes. so basically, they're all lazy, and bitchy, and don't particularly care about anyone but themselves. thankfully it's no one who reads this blog, so don't be offended please. i really can't wait to graduate in may and make better friends who actually care about stuff in life. and me. i REALLY want to meet someone who actually thinks to invite me to places without having to make a whole big shithole about it. oh plus the fact that they actually have a fucking FAMILY and that they can do everything virtually better then me makes me extremely disgusted that they have anything to really complain about. so i hate them all. not you. them. sorry for the profanity. but fuck them.

i'll probably go cry for awhile now.


mark foster

will you just marry me?

and also, i think i'm going to make a new blog sometime in the future. it just needs to happen. this one is a little dumpy.


i'm pretty proud of myself that i can pee virtually anywhere. i scoff at those who have to have so-called 'indoor plumbing.' today i peed in the woods. it was nice. it's pretty clean out there. cleaner then most public restrooms anyways.

also today is a really good day for music. i got like 10 new cd's for under 30$. one of them being Foster the People. they're so good. i think i'm entering a new phase in my life... 

also this past friday i went to see the Horrors in st. louis. they're okay. i liked the warmup band better, which is a pretty new band. they're called the Stepkids. it was awesome funk-rock type music. they're first cd comes out tuesday. i'm definitely buying it. the guitarist played with his mouth at one point. 



the horrors

so i'm going to see this band on friday after school. they're okay. my friend sophia's really whose obsessed with them, and i'm always up for a good concert. 


Geoffrey Ologna Mologna

so i guess my new name is Geoffrey Ologna Mologna; according to my friend Meredith's brother, Bryce and his friend Cordell. and i'm still a fetus. so that means i dont have to work technically.

and that's how you know i live in macomb. :/



so yesterday was probably the most amazing day i've ever had. like fer serious. and i dont say that very often. it was just so... good.

i guess i did kind of bomb my tests but whatever. i GET TO GO TO DICK BLICK TODAY /diesofhappiness.

i should probably get back to why yesterday was so amazing... so first of all, i went out to lunch, and drove to school, so first thing that morning i knew it was going to be a good day (i never get to drive to school by myself). and then the day kind of went by really fast/slow. if that even makes sense? but after school i gave a ride to TWO BOYS AT ONCE. I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELF. it actually was a very random happening. they needed a ride to soccer practice. but i thank my friend nao fujiwara for luring them in. i dont think it woulda happened if she wasn't there. and it was good because my friend sophia.. well one of them was the kid she likes. and i never have ANY contact with him (which is a good thing for me). but she was happy i think. even though after he left she was like, 'fuck, oh fuck.' and one of the kids name kamran was yelling the WHOLE FRIKIN TIME. LIKE REALLY? i was already terrified of having like 3 people with me. i had 5 people in my car. which is a prius. seriously?! i thought i was going to die.

and then we had some asian food and had one of the janitors from our school was with a bunch of his lke, old people friends. one of them was pointing at us... it was weird. and then he fake stole our money which was weird. (this blog is so fucking long i'm extremely sorry). but anyways. and then we went to dollar tree/general and my friend annika was being so random and awkward.

'WE ALL WANT THIS, BUT WE CAN'T HAVE IT.' ohmygosh. i love her so much. this was about a kids bouncy ball. like fer real?

and then some other stuff happened but i can't really remember. but... if i do it'll be in another post. xD



art supplies

OMG MY COPICS CAME TODAY : D i'm so so so so so so so so so so soo excited. they're all so pretty T^T they make me wanna cry from happiness. well that's all. besides the fact that you need to GO OUT AND BUY SOME COPICS RIGHT NOW. DO IT.








so this isn't their actually miku/kaito voices but i love the nico nico choir so much (they do covers of all the vocaloid songs) and this song is SUCH AN EARGASM. OMYGOSH. well... have a listen.. ; D



this band is sososososososososososososobeautiful. i'm not even kidding their voices are stunning and you can tell they're not lipsynching. i swear it's the prettiest music i've ever heard in my live. omigosh.

you will not ever get tired of listening to this. and while you're at it, watch puella magi madoka magica. it's pretty much the best anime ever created. besides pandora hearts, but that's for another post.



NEW VOCALOID ALERT : D (if you don't know what they are, go to wikipedia and then youtube to see what they're all about) just this week, i learned about a new vocaloid that's been released. she's korean and her voice bank sounds so real. i already love the demo song she's put out. her name is SeeU hence the title.. but she's sooo adorable. and i really lover her colors too. i feel like she's a modified version of miku somehow... idk i just like her better. but Luka Megurine will always be my favorite :3 i will now post the video of her demo song, if blogger decides to be nice to me.

I FOUND IT. I LOVE BLOGGER SO MUCH. anyways listen to this baby as much as you want. it's addicting i tell you.


blood pressures.

so this is quite possibly the best cd that's ever existed. i'm serious. i love these two to death. i would marry both Alison Mosshart and Jamie Hince if it was possible. they're just both so amazing. here is the cd from beginning to end. go to youtube and look these songs up. or maybe, i'll just put them here. i forgot that was even possible. how dumb.

okay so
youtube is being obnoxious and not being able to locate anymore of the songs i want but just buy the album. i promise you you will not AT ALL be disappointed. i'm wasting my life on my computer. i should probably go do something useful. but i probably won't.


my last post, was a little uncalled for. sorry about that everyone. i was just having a shitty time earlier this week. i couldnt stop crying and it was gross and i was miserable. now i have a three day weekend but i still have to write a paper about myself (gross) and read 1984 by george orwell, which is actually a fairly fascinating book. i'm already ahead of where i'm supposed to be, so i should slow down, so i know what i'm talking about on the quizzes. i'm still waiting fir my damn copics.. i hope they get here tomorrow.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



so for the first time, in a very long time i think, i am SO EXTREMELY EXCITED : DD whyyyy am i excited you may ask? because i just blew 200+dollars on art supplies xD well, the 200 + thing was actually very terrifying... but.. the markers i bought are very good quality and i think it was well worth the money.
they're called copics :3 i've been wanting to try them out for several months, but then i got some money for senior year 400 thereabouts, and i just went for it. i thought to myself 'i probably will never ever have this much money in my life, so why not just buy them?' :D i'm so excited. i got the paper and everything that's necessary to be able to use them.

i am also excited, because for the longest time, i have not been able to figure out what i want for christmas at all. but now i have narrowed it down into two possibilities. one is the fact that i need a scanner. i need one soo bad. if i end up liking copics enough, i think i will go and ask for one, but we'll see. MY COPICS ARE IN THE MAIL :D i just got the email today.

another thing is, if any of you know the brand Wacom, they produce and distribute digital art supplies, such as tablets, photoshop, and different software for the more professional artist. one of the main things i want to be able to do is to put my artwork on DA (deviantart.com) because i feel that i've improved since the time that i first started drawing ( i still suck though...) okay, back to the item i'm selling to you. xD they have this new thing called 'Inkling'. It's a system that allows you to draw on paper, and put it on the internet from there! how cool is that!! i need to do more research but i think that it can use any type of paper... i'm not sure.... well that's what i'm selling you guys. and also i lost my bamboo fun pen so i can't do that type of art either. but that's why i'm so excited :D

on another note... school is dumb. very very dumb. i hate it so much. i'm already like, dying in two of my classes and we haven't even been there for a week. I'M SUCH A FAIL. and my dumb p.e. teacher made us play disc golf in the rain today. i'm not even kidding.

also i'm a dump. i'm just a dump.

(wow this got really depressing really fast. . . . . )



the worst combination = country music + football. i seriously felt nauseous when i watched that video.


school = barf

so i finally got home. home to boring old barf town macomb. seriously there's nothing to do out here... it's worse then hampstead.... oh well. i start school next wednesday which will be a bummer but i think it'll be okay since i'm going to be a senior. that means i can do whatever i want pretty much whenever i want... except for first and second hour. those are my two only really academic classes AP english will be kind of hard to keep up with though maybe... oh barf i just looked at my suitcase and it is OVERFLOWING i really need to unpack tomorrow. but it scares me. so much. *shiver*

on another note... i'm listening to the sherlock holmes soundtrack. i think that that has to be one of the most amazing movies ever created in my life time. and it makes me doubly excited to see robert downing jr. again. he's my favorite..... i know he's like 40+ years old or something but hell, who cares? oh well. it's coming out right around my birthday so that's all good. hans zimmer is such an amazing composer. i love all of his work. it really inspires me when i'm drawing... SPEAKING OF WHICH. i've actually become quite decent at it i think. i still can't draw males AT ALL but who cares...

i just found out (also) that one of my friends who's from japan watches one of the anime series that i'm keeping up with which makes me really excited : D it's called Kimi ni Todoke (From Me to You) and it's the sweetest, most moving thing i've ever seen/watched. Sawako and Kazehaya are sooo adorable together.

As for actual books I'm reading.... i'm just finishing up The Grimm Legacy  by polly schuman and i'm going to start Nightshade by Andrea Cremer soon. hmmmm i think... that might be all i have for now. sorry about how long this is... it kinda went on for awhile... just skip over whatever you don't want to read...


chico hot sptings

so that's where i am. but i haven't actually gotten in yet. idk. oh and also.... NEXT MONTH I AM GOING TO SEE THE HORRORS LIVE WITH MY BEST FRIENDS IN THE WORLD SOPHIA AND SARAH AND POSSIBLY ANNIKA. hmmm. i guess that's all for now.



i'm finally at a computer. FINALLY. i mean i have one but the place where i'm staying... well it has no interneto. lammeeeee. oh well. at least i'm on here. i already kinda miss north carolina but it's good for me to be out of that MICROWAVE of a state. so... you're probably want to know why i'm traumatized. well you're going to here it anyways so if you're not interested then well, leave.


so first, my flight got cancelled in chicago of all places. and i had to stay the night. and then i had to wake up at three fifty a. m. barf. and then it was all okay until i got to denver... i had first class and everything. which meant... FREE OMELET. AND SAUSAGE. AND POTATOES. yummmmmmmm. but then... my gates kept changing and delaying in denver and i was so freaked out... good lord. but now i'm in montana and i've eaten SO MUCH FOOD it's not even funny. i mean.... yeah. oh well. i guess i'm done for now. bye.


more music

okay so i'm just going to post a million videos up here since i have nothing better to do with my life right now.

the black keys. tighten up.
cake. the distance.

foster the people. pumped up kicks.

the broken bells. the high road. 

the kills. satellite. 
x. the hungry wolf.
that's all for now. some of the bands that i am currently obsessed with.


okay so i don't really know what to put on this post. hopefully it'll get a little more interesting... but i doubt it.... hhhh. today is somewhat sad. i'm leaving north carolina tomorrow but i really looooove montana so it'll be okay in the long run. i suppose that it's just because i realized school is starting again and i'm not sure how i'm gonna do in some of my classes.... oh welll. i guess i still have like, three weeks or something. we start all the way on the 24. and plus sine i'm a senior this year it's going to be my last year of high school ever. which is weird to think about. right now i'm listening to options by gomez. have a listen.

i really like this band at the moment. not particularly obsession worthy but they're nice. um i dunno what else to talk about really. i got my prom dress today. prom's like... 200 days away i think. more than half a year. but that's kind of funny. umm i don't really have anything else to say i guess. enjoy gomez.

oh, and also, earlier i was just going through a slightly depressing phase... don't expect to see much more provocative language from me anytime soon... it's gonna be a little more censored... well. i hope that makes up for some of it. or something like that. bye.


on another note

i finally found that black rock shooter video. have a look!

it's just so good. you have no idea how good it is. that is all until later. sayonara

lowline/the features

so i'm going through this phase - as you can probably guess by the title of this blog. pretty much the best bands ever are the features, and lowline. they're just all so amazing. so i'll share some of their brilliance with you just this second.

the features- lions = best song ever
plus the guy who's sitting there is just gorgeous and somehow reminds me of the main singer in lowline... but i love both of them. at the minute i'm listening to all your scars by lowline. but that doesn't have a music video so you'll have to settle for monitors, which is just as good. maybe better. and i like it because you can see his face perfectly. i'm pretty sure that he's british which just makes him that much better than everyone else. so here's monitors for you :

don't tell me he's not beautiful. he's pretty much a god. both of them are. but i'd say brits score higher over us americans. they just do. pretty much everyone else in the world scores higher then us americans. god i hate being american.

sleep deprivation/ant domination

so i'm pretty sure i stayed up till around 3 or so again last night which is killling me. i swear. but that's besides the point. oh and also i'm pretty cure i heard nyan cat blasting at like... 6 this morning. i was sort of terrified. and then this morning.... well i actually technically just woke up so it's like midmorning or something. i don't really give a damn. but i woke up and there were ants all over my fucking kitchen. i dunno if that's supposed to mean something but it was creepy. they were EVERYWHERE man. like they wanted to take over.  so that's my morning so far. sleep deprivation and apparent ant domination





you were warned here goes :

so first thing is, the underline feature for blogger.com is being so damn difficult. i mean why can't the internet just FUCKING WORK. THE LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT. DAMMIT. so that's my internet rant. okay let's move on to my life rant. you better be ready for this because i've got no fucking clue what's happening in it.

so my life is pretty dumb so far. actually it's more like hell. i can't seem to do anything right and everybody pretty much hates me i'm sure. i'm not particularly good at anything. actually i can't really do ANYTHING right according to my damn parents. and everybody else in the world. also i'm pretty fucking sure that i will never ever get married. it's just a feeling i have y'know? i know i'm still on this but i mean.... it's never gonna happen. i just know it. besides the fact that i've almost been slightly molested by this kid before who happened to be YOUNGER then me. i mean that's probably as far as it's going to get. yup. pretty fucking fantastic. and also my dogs scare the hell out of everybody they meet. i wish they would stop and be nice... good little shit dogs who aren't supposed to have brains.

but back to my shitty life. i'm just not good enough. at all. and that's my thoughts on my fucking shitty life. y'know? i'll let you get back to yours.

black rock shooter

so my new favorite thing in the world- well it has been for a month or so i guess -is this animated video called black rock shooter. have any of you heard of vocaloid? well the cool people have. so those of you who have heard of it it's amazing. i can't express my love of the black rock shooter ova enough. i mean... c'mon. it's like i wish i had a parallel universe that i could fight people whenever i wanted too. it's just so good. the song is so good. sorry for those of you to whom this doesn't apply. it's all just so good. that's all for now.

black rock shooter

so my new favorite thing in the world- well it has been for a month or so i guess -is this animated video called black rock shooter. have any of you heard of vocaloid? well the cool people have. so those of you who have heard of it it's amazing. i can't express my love of the black rock shooter ova enough. i mean... c'mon. it's like i wish i had a parallel universe that i could fight people whenever i wanted too. it's just so good. the song is so good. sorry for those of you to whom this doesn't apply. it's all just so good. that's all for now.


well i don't have much to say right now. i suppose i'll just rant about stuff for now. i mean... that's what blogs are for i guess, right??? well whatever. it's not like you shits are here to JUDGE me or anything. okay good. well let's go then.

so today i've had like soooo much food. okay maybe not that much, just pizza and nachos and pixie sticks.  but i feel like i'm going to explode. i suppose that pizza does to you. i probably should go on a diet or something in the near future but... well... it just doesn't seem possible. i mean how can people live for up to MONTHS without things like bread, sugar, salt, fat, etc.... it's just impossible for me. all of those things are like my illegal drugs. i wouldn't be surprised if i ended up like my history teacher when i'm an adult... shudder. god. i can't wait to be an adult. plus i don't want to grow up. is that contradicting or what? i mean adults have to go through a shit load of stuff day in day out. although my childhood was hell too... my life is pretty much a dump except for the things that keep me sane. like blogging. idk how i've lived without blogging until now. KUDOS to blogging.

let's go back to ranting. plus i'm also starting to feel like i will NEVER have a relationship or something... i mean... that's the whole thing i ranted about before. i wonder if brown cows are uglier than others. idk. i've never really been around cows much. when i am i'm eating them... or something... yeah. ummmmm. i just lovce meat. except i could NEVER kill my own for food. i'd probably pay someone to do it for me. which is what i do most of the time already anyways....

well today i watched this movie called 'road home' or something. and this girl was in total stalker mode. i guess she was in love with him but still... i mean.... she went all out. it was really hilarious to watch actually. but other than that it was pretty touching. i mean i don't normally like american love stories but it was cute and bearable. so i guess that's all until a little later tonight. au revoir

what up, little dudes

so i'm starting to be depressed that school is happening in like three weeks or so. i guess that's kind of besides the point in this rant that i'm going to have you listen to today/tonight. whatever the hell of time it is. but oh well. back to the important stuff. so in several days i'm going to montana. yes, montana, the wide state or something. i don't even know what it's called. but it's so amazing there. i mean sooooo so so so so amazing. i love the mountains and the forests and everything. much different from the microwave of the east coast. god it's like an oven here. but anyways. back to montana. i get to see some of my vvery best friends there, which is always nice. friends, yay! but sometimes... i want to kill people. just all of them. that's how i feel during the school year mostly. which is happening in 3 WEEKS. DAMN. but there is this one kid i know there. it was kind of an awkward situation... but you see. we went to the midnight showing of the sixth harry potter movie. yes it was the BOMB. i still need to watch them all in order someday. also, on that note my childhood officially ended with the last movie that just came out. depresssionnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. oh well. at least i can read them over and over like a FREAK. maybe i won't do that. just watch the movies or something.

back to the awkward situation kid. so we ended up having this massive sleep over type thing. guys and girls. and i was changing into my pajamas just kind of nonchalantly and then he's there like BAM right there. my pants were kind of all the way off... well not ALL the way but you know. my panties were showing. and then he just started like taking his pants of as well and i was like, no what the hell man, get out i'm changing. it kind of freaked me out a little. it's not like he DID anything. i mean he was just a fellow pants taker off but still... i mean man plus woman in the same room is like... woah. i didn't really want to take part in any of that. eventually he did leave but it took me forEVER to get him out of there. god it was terrifying. and the funny thing is that the kid was completely harmless. so anyways.

i'll be in montana in a matter of days visiting the unintentional rapist kid. he didn't even touch me at all which makes the whole thing hilarious. i couldn't stop laughing once that happened. and i probably won't after i see him. well then. i just told you about the time i was almost but not really kind of raped. hope that you had fun.


i will most definitely never get married

so yeah i kind of just came up with this in the past few moments. i've kind of always known this but right now it's bugging the crap out of me. it actually reminds me of this nice Ray William Johnson video i watch recently. lemme link you real quick.
okay youtube is being super retarded. i hate it at the moment. but if you go to his channel it's called girl's are weird.
so yeah.

okay so yeah i think it sums up my feelings quite nicely actually. but yeah i'm kind of freaking out about that in the moment. lets see ive had eighteen years of life and no romance life whatsoever sooooo. i think that it's pretty easy to say that i will never get married. and also i'm too worried about that to give a shit about my punctuation so you'll just have to bear with me. um bye for now i guess.

i'm going to explode. and possibly not get married.

hey there. so today i had SO MUCH FOOD omfg. i was going to explode. like literally i felt like my insides were doing some things that weren't supposed to be happening in there... and probably burst like a billion of my organs. more than likely. so that's what happened today. my indsides got all screwy. also i found russian nyan cat, and it's the most hilarious thing ever. it's got vodka and everything!

hmmmm now for the marriage thing. well. people in the background are talking about marriage and random like relationship crap that probably doesn't even exist. i'm actually really confused. i hear stuff about slendorman and other things. but it's making me super depressed because at this rate, i realized at the pace i'm going at that i'll probably never get married. ive never had a boyfriend or whatever. so now i'm wallowing in self-pity. and i'm sleep deprived. and i keep eating food and i shouldn't. tonight's kinda everywhere. THANKS man. well. i guess that's all for tonight.

i feel like i'll be hearing skype noises until 3 a.m and i'm already sleep deprived. so my next blog may be very angsty. sorry.



okay so well i got my first blog today thanks to some nice people. and well i guess i don't know what to say really. i just had some nice food for dinner. pizza and cookies. i'm probably gonna gain like a billion  pounds because of it though. YAY FOR CARBS. however i don't seem to be gaining any wait which is weird. but nice i suppose. but i've eaten so much food that its time for sleep now. hence.... well everything. it's always time for sleep. maybe some art first but idk. we'll see. this was seriously boring. sorry everyone.